Apps Privacy Policy for my published Apps are on this page.
All of my Android Apps can be found on Google Play. And Chrome Apps are in the Chrome Webstore.
I do not collect any of your information from my Apps. I have no interest whatsoever in your data 🙂 Note that you may have agreements with 3rd parties (Google, Facebook, etc.) about how your data is used by them.

The Irish Safety Cameras app needs to determine your location, but this is not stored anywhere by the app – not even on your device. The app does not have access to the internet, so it cannot share your data with anyone else.

The Antipodes app stores the Podes location (which may or may not be your location) on the device and it is accessible only to the Antipodes app, and it is used by Google Play Services and Google Maps (check their privacy policy) to display it on the Map

The Monty Hall Game stores only information about the game i.e. which doors you chose, which doors Monty chose, which door had the Car and a timestamp. This information stored only on your phone (and possibly wherever you back that up), it is not available to other apps and is not available to any third parties. Monty Hall displays ads, the ads served may be tailored per your preference settings on your device.

The Chrome App “New Tab Blank Black Page” is securely served from the Chrome Webstore and it does not collect any information.

Similarly the Chrome App “New Tab Custom Colour Blank Page” is securely served from the Chrome Webstore and it does not collect any information other than your choice of colour for your New Tab. So it simply saves a standard RGB value e.g. FFFFFF for white, or 000000 for black etc.
Enjoy using these Apps, Alan